

At Jeva Labs we understand that circumstances may change and you might need to return your Mollenol order.

It is important before you do to know that skin issues frequently re-appear on infected people.

It is also true that approximately half of all families get cross-infections in which other brothers or sisters as well as parents become infected. Molluscum takes several weeks to incubate so these new infections may not be evident yet.


You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a refund minus 25% restocking fee.

Return postage is paid by the customer. No return label will be provided.


If you initially ordered more than 1 bottle/packet and received a discount as a result, this will be taken into account when refunding your return. For example, if you initially purchased two bottles/packets and then returned one your refund will be equal to the initial price minus a full priced bottle minus the initial postage. There is a 25% re-stocking fee on all returns.

For return address see Return Procedure at end of page.


If your item arrives broken or damaged your order will be replaced in the next shipment run. Please provide a photo of the damaged items in your email. Refunds will not be issued for breakage or damage.


If you have opened the bottle/s and wish a refund, due reasons must be indicated. Jeva's help team will ask some questions to review your issue. Dated "before and after" photographs may be necessary and verification that molluscum contagiosum was diagnosed by a medical professional provided. If the reason for your request is considered fair and reasonable and not the result of poor or inappropriate use of Mollenol a refund will be given for the cost of the item minus any postage fee incurred. You do not need to return opened bottles to us.


If your delivery is lost or very slow in delivery a replacement order will be sent unless the reason relates to temporary ("force majeure") issues such as weather or industrial action impacting specific destinations. Refunds will not be given for lost or delayed deliveries. An additional postage fee may be charged at the discretion of Jeva Labs. 


If your delivery is lost or returned to sender as a result of an incorrect address entered by the customer when the order was made a refund minus the cost of postage and handling will be issued. A new order with correct details can then be made by the customer. 


If you have not already asked for help using Mollenol from our very competent and sympathetic support team please email:

If you need to return an item first email: 

Please inform us via email when the return is sent, what is being returned and the tracking number. Use the relevant Return address

For the US, Canada and Europe is:


Fulfilment - returns only
675 N 2800 W – Suite 101
Lindon, UT 84042

Return address for Australia and New Zealand is:

Next3pl c/o Jeva Labs
1A/35 Stennett Road
Ingleburn 2565


Mollenol is a therapeutic product listed with the Australian TGA and the USA FDA. Therapeutic products can not and should not offer guarantees as it gives a false impression to customers. Laws and regulations in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Europe prohibit such guarantees. At no time has Jeva Laboratories indicated or implied that there is a money back guarantee.

Results will vary from person to person.


Jeva Labs staff have been trained to be polite and helpful in their interactions with customers. We hope you can be the same. Nevertheless, Jeva Labs reserves the right to refuse service to any customer.  

Local duties and customs fees are the responsibility of the purchaser. You do not need to be a PayPal member to pay with your credit card. Use the menu to select your currency. All prices are in US Dollar, Australia Dollar, Canadian Dollar, New Zealand Dollar or UK Pound at checkout. All other currencies are indicative and will be paid in US Dollar at checkout. Local duties and customs fees are the responsibility of the purchaser. You do not need to be a PayPal member to pay with your credit card. Use the menu to select your currency. All prices are in US Dollar, Australia Dollar, Canadian Dollar, New Zealand Dollar or UK Pound at checkout. All other currencies are indicative and will be paid in US Dollar at checkout.